Storagement Partner Programs
Read the outline of our partner programme below. Request the detailed programme
Succeeding together...
The storagement partner programme opens new business opportunities to the partners:
- Development of new markets and customer groups
- Access to new products and services
- Gaining of special competence
For us, the co-operation means building up a network of storagement experts:
- Opening up of additional resources
- Access to special industry and market knowledge
- Increase in market share and publicity
Storagement Partnership
The Sales Partner
Are you a sales professional, and do you want to offer additional products? As a sales partner you arrange the customer contact or sell
storagement licences. We carry out the service for your customer.
The Solution Partner
Are you a software or system vendor, and do you want to implement complete storagement solutions, i.e. sale, installation, maintenance and
support? Then we offer you a complete concept with product and sales training as well as technology seminars and 2nd level support.
Partner Promotion
Storagement is a highly efficient, but also a complex product and therefore requires explanation. We offer different training courses about
the market, the product and its technology.
After the qualification we offer our partners a wide range of support and know-how transfer, both electronically and face to face.
Sales & Marketing
Support of sales activities, e.g. information material and brochures, sample contracts, web and marketing activities.
Software and Technology
Test system: The partner will be enabled to make software demonstrations and acquire knowledge for consulting and configuration services.
Demonstration system: The partner will have access to storagement via the world wide web, for customer demonstrations.
Payment of commissions, discounts
We will of course remunerate our partners for the closing of sales. There are different forms of business commission:
For all business transactions involving services or software on Dr. Brunthaler's account that were originated by the partner, we will pay a
The partner buys storagement licenses and sells them to the customers on his own account. The partner will be granted a reduction from the
list price.
Combinations, general contractors
Within the framework of a business project, a partner can resell software and get a discount and at the same time arrange miscellaneous
other services and receive a commission.
Trade procedures/Customer Protection
Dr. Brunthaler IIT GmbH grants a temporary customer protection to the partners. Thus it can be guaranteed that customer care is optimal and
Registration, prerequisites
Before the admission to the partner programme, we will check in which industry sector the partner is operating, which other products and
services they sell and if the appropriate experience is available. Dr. Brunthaler GmbH reserves the right to refuse the reseller status
without stating reasons or to withdraw it for important reasons.
Are you interested? Please contact us for more