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Storagement Highlights and Benefits

The special value of the storagement real time WMS solution consists of the fact that it can be adapted at any time (also subsequently) to the business processes in the company ? in both directions: it grows with your business when it grows, and slims down a business does not need costly IT-processing. Through the 365*24 service, the user is never alone when there are new challenges.

Economic advantages due to workflow enhancements

Low profile investment
Fixed prices for standardised software modules. Later conversions of warehouse processes are possible without individual programming (configuration). You pay only for the modules you need, depending on the number of users. The system architecture make the integration of modern technologies such as Thin Clients and economical server technology possible.
Reduction of processing costs
Effective processing and fewer resource requirements through efficient optimisation: Here are some examples.
storagement pays for itself
Through lowering the costs in the warehouse, storagement re-finances itself. Via software leasing this can be constantly measured. By reducing the personnel requirements by just one person, the monthly leasing instalments can be regained!
Safety of Investment
storagement has worked with a variety of companies, thus inplementing this standard system will not introduce any risk to you, which can be the case when creating an individual program.
storagement is also good for your future requirements. The system can grow: today 3, tomorrow 30 and the day after tomorrow 300 users, all with the same software. New requirements? It is not a problem to re-assemble the extended components.
Competitive Advantage
storagement does not only bring cost-savings, but helps you to hold your own in the market due to outstanding logistic achievements.
Quick, inexpensive roll-out
If only the standard-modules are installed, storagement is instantly ready for action. The system must only be configured for your requirements.

Lets look at the product features and quality...

Functionality, performance
storagement is specialised for warehouse logistics. The system reliably controls your warehouse and your delivering, so that your customers can rely on you achieving deliveries.
storagement covers a large pallet of warehouse processes, so that no individual programs are necessary. In addition, special requirements can be integrated as special modules. Modern technologies assure the maximum functionality and benefits.
storagement can be integrated into almost any IT structure and can adapt to almost any logistics process. Changing customer requirements are quickly implemented.
Mistakes and deficiencies in the operational processes are prevented via storagement or can be recognised and corrected.
Innovative and online
storagement is completely internet capable. Your company, your partners and your customers participate in your warehouse logistics, as permitted by you, and from anywhere in the world. And this without complex, local, software installations. Through on-line processing, storagement can react at any time to changed surrounding conditions (e.g. incoming orders).

Examples for process optimization and cost reduction

The economic value of storagement presents itself through more effective processing and less demands on resources, e.g.:

  • Fewer costs due to complex commissioning
    The multi-level and/or parallel commissioning system shortens routes and obviates supply procedures.
  • Reduction of space requirements via dynamic storage
    Articles are not stored at certain places, but can be stored at any, free, suitable storage place.
  • Fewer resource requirements with route optimisation
    Every pedestrian and/or every vehicle is directed on the most favourable way through the warehouse.
  • Less frozen capital by inventory optimisation
    Complex evaluations for the reduction of stock is possible. The distribution of existing stock is optimised by ABC-Analyses and reorganisation.
  • Real-time processing of all transactions improves the inventory security.
    The fixed-date inventory can be dropped, no more shutting down warehouse operations due to stock counting.

Quality, Level Of Service

The qualitative use is more difficult to express in fugiers, but reliability and high service levels are essential for customer acquisition and preservation. storagement forces correct input. Every event (e.g. incorrect inventory) is recognised and is considered in all planning, also for other co-workers. Through error prevention you need fewer personnel and your image improves.

Which other advantages has storagement in store for you as decision maker, IT administrator or end user?

Read on here to find out how you can achieve a qualitative and economic use of storagement not only through reduction of costs but also by more effective processes and error prevention in your warehouse.
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