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A word from the founder

Once upon a time (1987 to be exact - 25 years ago) warehouse management systems where still exclusively developed for each customer and were project related. With large personal expenditure one "invented the wheel" again and again for each customer, with the resulting costs and risks, because the quality of the software was worse in those dangerous times than it is today.

But the hardware was at least more exciting...

At that time I was working with a software house as a free-lancer, and it appeared to me that it would be fantastic, and feasible, to develop a stock management system that could be reused in each new project. Together with two colleagues (that divided my idea) and with the support of a large customer (who had the budget and the nerves to take what it wanted), we proceeded thus with the realisation of our idea of a WMS, that should be:

  • Modularly built and with it, flexible,
  • customisable to individual business processes,
  • portable to different hard and software platforms,
  • qualitatively high value through re-use of code,
  • high-performing and scalable,
  • maintainable and change-friendly
  • and lastly, value for money and long-lasting.

Thus came into being at first a development environment and culture that still exists today and which guarantees the highest standards of our products. After several different WMS projects had been realised, the functionality and experiences flowed together into a single product, the real time WMS ? storagement.

While other suppliers for a long time still set the control of work processes in the warehouse with printed coupons, we went straight away in the direction of a wireless future and consequently developed our storagement real-time WMS towards work flow optimisation with mobile on-line terminals. We also concentrated on the operational processes (Supply Chain Execution), instead of cobbling together an all-singing, all-dancing application with only a little Supply Chain administration, a pinch of commodities management and a shot of financial accounting.

In addition, from the outset came open interfaces to other system, a database system optimised for performance and transaction security and process communication using real-time messaging. Today these are still the crucial foundations and components of high-quality operational IT systems.

From the outset it was clear for us: software, which intervenes on the part of the user in the business process as deeply as a WMS does, needs to supply first class service and for a long time.

Therefore our customers receive more than just a warehouse program; they receive a complete solution, 24 hours a day, 365 days in the year.

May the best service be with you!

Yours, Stefan Brunthaler

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