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storagement feature and services list

This is a list of all available functions and services regarding the storagement real-time warehosue management system by Dr. Brunthaler Industrielle Informationstechnik GmbH, Berlin. All rights are preserved. Publishing, linking and printing requires written consent of the originator.


  • Systems installation and integration - get the WMS up and running.
  • standard data exchange interface (gen_ls) - use, management
  • standard data exchange interface (gen_ls) - configuration
  • continuous support, hotline and emergency services 24x7

Goods Entry, Put Away

Incoming goods advice data import from ERP systems - background app., see ERP EDI.

Goods entry registration (stationary workstation) - Web app, includes storage bin selection and reservation. Multi-compartment trolleys can be used to separate goods arriving in mixed loading units. An internal transport order is generated after successful storage bin reservation. An EDI message can be sent to the ERP host.

Goods entry registration (mobile RF terminal) - mobile line-by-line dialog, can be used to separate goods from mixed pallets or boxes to new individual containers. Includes storage bin selection and reservation. An internal transport order is generated after successful storage bin reservation. An EDI message can be sent to the ERP host.

Put away (with printed slip) - Prints a slip with the goods and storage location info, must be confirmed using the imprinted barcode.

Put away check-back dialog (stationary workstation) - read the put away slip’s barcode, correct specific data manually if necessary.

Put away (with mobile RF terminal) - line-by-line dialog, correct specific data online if necessary.

Cross-docking (with printed slip) - incoming goods are stored near the packing or delivery area for immediate re-delivery using a printed slip.

Cross-docking (with RF terminal) - incoming goods are stored near the packing or delivery area for immediate re-delivery using a mobile online dialog.

Storage Optimization

Warehouse re-organization - relocation orders can be entered manually.

Warehouse location optimization - automatically suggest relocation of goods relying on ABC status and availability of matching storage bins.

Warehouse location consolidation - automatically suggest relocation of smaller amounts (?) of matching goods to fewer or smaller storage bins.

Process relocation orders (using a printed slip) - first pick then transport to new storage bin using a printed slip.

Process relocation orders (using RF terminals) - first pick then transport to new storage bin using a mobile online dialog.

Spontaneous relocation (only using RF terminals) - voluntarily relocate goods as needed using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog.

Automatic replenishment (real-time) - plan and process replenishment when storage bin falls empty but more goods are needed to fulfill active orders. Transport operation is controlled by a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog.

Offline replenishment (background batch) - replenish storage bins e.g. during the night shift based on rules. Transport operation can be controlled by printed slips or a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog.


Inventory count order management for selected storage locations and areas - JAVA app. Based on configurable rules.

Inventory counting - spontaneous, using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog.

Processing of inventory count orders using printed inventory lists. must be confirmed using the imprinted barcode.

Processing of inventory count orders using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog (RF terminal).

Creation of stock and inventory documentation (lists, data tables etc.) for a warehouse client or a public accountant.

Order Processing

Commissioning (order picking) operations control (“light”) - Web app to start, control and modify commissioning.

Commissioning (order picking) operations control (“full”) - Web app to start, control and modify commissioning with automated functions with respect to delivery rules and transport disposition.

Processing of commissioning orders using printed commissioning lists - Prints a slip with the goods and storage locations info for one customer, must be confirmed using the imprinted barcode.

Processing of commissioning orders using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog (RF terminal) - dialog application with work flow and navigation optimization, one customer at a time.

Order picking using printed picking lists - Prints a slip with the goods and storage locations info for as many customers as fit on a multi-compartment trolley, must be confirmed using the barcode imprinted on the slip.

Multi-order picking: Processing of commissioning orders using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog (RF terminal) - dialog application with work flow and navigation optimization, for as many customers as fit on a multi bin trolley.

Packing, Delivery and Loading

Packing and delivery (“light”) using RF terminals- A simple dialog application which enables data input relevant to the packing process (e. g. number and typ of packing material/objects being sent). Produces complete, deliverable packages (without package content information), labels, barcode, routing, delivery note and sends data to the TSP*. Order completion generates an EDI message to e.g. the ERP system with complete tracking information etc.

Note: Package content normally remains undocumented if using this dialog.

Packing and delivery using a stationary workstation - JAVA app that resembles a supermarket POS-cashier. Produces complete, deliverable packages with documented content, labels, barcode, routing, delivery note and sends data to the TSP*. Order completion generates an EDI message to e.g. the ERP system with complete tracking information etc.

*TSP: Transport Service Provider.

Shipment and loading using printed lists - prints a freight list e.g. for a truck from preassigned packing information. Includes information about dangerous goods if applicable.

Shipment and loading using a mobile, online, line-by-line dialog (RF terminal) - dialog application which scans the package (or pallet etc.) barcodes (or RFID tags) while loading onto the assigned truck.

Data Management

  • Delivery order data import from ERP systems - background app, see ERP EDI.

  • Master data import from ERP systems - background app, see ERP EDI

  • Incoming goods advice data import from ERP systems - background app, see ERP EDI.

  • Check-back indication messages to ERP systems - background app, see ERP EDI.

Delivery order entry - Web app

Delivery order management - Web app

Master data management for customer and address data - Web app

Company-, Persons-, Supplier- etc. Database-Management - Web app.

Master data management for warehouse client data - Web app.

Master data management for goods - including data import and additional logistic process control information. Includes management of bills of materials.

Warehouse topology and topography management for shelves and bins - customer support service by Dr. Brunthaler IITech GmbH or a local partner.

Warehouse internal transport structure management for aisles and zones - customer support service by Dr. Brunthaler IITech GmbH or a local partner.

Shipment and transport methods configuration management - Web app, warehouse clients can have distinct configurations. All TSP present on the market and their products can be configured. Documents and labels will be printed automatically, TSP products will be assigned automatically to deliveries, EDI with TSP’s will happen automatically in the background.

Extension Modules (including the necessary data management functions)

Hazardous goods management - extension module with influence on several WMS functions. Follows EU laws and rules. Documents for road transport are printed.

Assembly control - extension module with influence on several WMS functions. Allows the management of hierarchical bills of materials. Internal orders to complete the assembly of goods with a bill of material are generated automatically.

Warehouse client accounting - extension module for data collection, client specific configuration and rules. Is also used for KPI generation. Produces reports to be attached to an invoice.

Warehouse client accounting - extension module for invoicing, data exchange with financial software.

WMS master control station - Web app to control order processing, human ressource disposition etc.

Key performance indicators - extension module for collection, reports, export, archive of KPI’s. Extends the KPI collected by the accounting module mentioned above and generates charts and csv files.

Staff performance indicators - extension module for collection, reports, export, archive of SPI’s.

Serial number management (available only for mobile online dialogs using RF terminals) - extension module to enter, manage and track serial numbers individually throughout the warehouse. The location of any serial number is stored in the database. Specific serial numbers can be assigned in delivery orders. Blacklists for serial number due to quality issues are available.

Batch/Lot-Management using printed slips - extension module, integrated into the respective processing dialogs, allows to check, enter and track multiple batch/lot-numbers per stock. “Numbers” can be alpha-numerical identifiers.

Batch/Lot-Management using mobile online dialogs (RF terminals) - extension module, integrated into the respective processing dialogs, allows to check, enter and track multiple batch/lot-number per stock. “Numbers” can be alpha-numerical identifiers.

Object** (Black Box) warehousing using printed slips - anonymous storage for identifyable objects without information about the contents.

** Object: An uniquely identifiable “black box” with unknown content.

Black Box warehousing using online mobile dialogs (RF terminals) - anonymous storage for identifyable objects without information about the contents.

Open bonded warehouse - extension module to manage goods under customs supervision. Mainly used for imports. Follows EU laws and rules.

Label printing for shipments, basic version for ZPL2 only. Includes “blank” address labels.

Label printing for shipments, extended version with printer independent label design app.

EDI/Labeling for Transport Service Providers (KEP and freight forwarders): KEP companies like UPS, DPD, DHL, GLS, TNT, FedEx and more.

Freight forwarders with FORTRAS EDI interface.

ERP system data exchange - including article (items, goods) master data, delivery orders, incoming goods advices, transport notes and more for SAP and other ERP systems.

Automated goods entry - pre-labelled pallets etc. enter the warehouse e.g. from a production line or other conveyor belt, and the autometed goods entry function selects a proper place for storage and generates a transport order.

Conveyor system control - guides trays and boxes etc. with barcodes or RFID tags through the warehose depending on orders assigned to them. Using the conveyor system these trays or boxes reach all warehouse areas where goods must be picked for the assigned order positions. For each warehouse area, the trays or boxed can be arranged on trolleys to create a local optimized multi order picking tour through the area (done automatically by the system in background).

As of: 01.12.2012 (Dec. 1st 2012)

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